elpis10: Lungs from Stem Cells

Τρίτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Lungs from Stem Cells

Lungs from Stem Cells

  Researchers at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University in New York , claiming that they are one step closer to creating lung tissue suitable for transplantation using the patient's cells .

The study, published in the journal "Nature Biotechnology", says scientists have successfully converted human stem cells into functional cells of the lungs and airways.

Study leader Dr . Hans Willem Snoeck explains the importance of this achievement in the following terms :

"Researchers have been able in the past to convert human stem cells into cardiac , pancreatic , intestinal , liver and neural cells , thereby increasing the potential of regenerative medicine. Now , we are finally able to turn stem cells into cells of the lungs and airways. Although we are not yet at the stage of clinical application for which it will take several more years , but we can think about the future realization of autologous lung transplantation , using that skin cells of the same patient to create a functional lung tissue . "

Both Dr. . Snoeck and his research team are hopeful that in the future , doctors will be able to take the lung from a donor to deduct all lung cells , retaining only the scaffold of the institution . Will then feed it with new lung cells , which are created by the patient by the above method . This way you can avoid rejection by the body of the receiver , which often occurs in many patients .

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