elpis10: The importance of a balanced breakfast meal

Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

The importance of a balanced breakfast meal

 Good day from morning looks and great importance of eating a balanced breakfast meal that includes foods from most food groups are now known and confirmed .

But what if the lack of time leads to omission or click an incomplete breakfast in which missing most food categories ? There a way to prepare a quick , easy and complete meal with .. good morning ?

What are the food categories to be included in breakfast ?

A proper breakfast food contains at least 2 of the following categories :

• Milk Group (milk , yogurt )
• Group meat / protein foods (egg , cheese)
• Group starch (bread , rusks , cereals , preferably wholegrain )
• Group of fruit and vegetables

Think ... fast !

Although the theory seems difficult , in practice it is very simple to prepare a full breakfast without spend much of your time . One effective tactic is to prepare your meal , a toast for example , the night before and store in the refrigerator . Alternatively you can eat "easy" foods that require no preparation such as cereal bars , crackers and toast combined with an atomic Tyrakis , or even a small piece of homemade cake / pie you've already finished . But what about the group of fruits and vegetables? How to integrate easily and quickly to your breakfast ?

A breakfast ' ally ' ...

A glass of 100 % natural orange juice can be integrated very pleasantly and quickly to your breakfast meal , while still covering one of five servings of fruits and vegetables recommended to be consumed daily. You can combine it with foods from other groups such as breakfast cereals , toast , bread , dairy , egg and cheese and extra benefit from its nutritional value .

More specifically , the key ingredient in juice are natural sugars , ie simple carbohydrates that are a direct source of energy for the body and the basic " energy currency " of the brain and nervous system . It also contains nutrients necessary for proper and smooth functioning of the body such as vitamin C, folate and potassium components is also seen as contributing to the prevention of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular .

Delicious and balanced breakfast with orange juice

- A glass of 100 % orange juice and whole grain bread with cheese and turkey

- A glass of skimmed milk , a slice of homemade cake with olive oil and a glass of 100 % orange juice

- A glass of 100 % orange juice , boiled egg or poached eggs and one bun Thessaloniki

- A glass of skimmed milk , bar wholegrain cereal and a glass of 100 % orange juice

- A glass of 100 % orange juice and 1 piece of homemade pie or spinach

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