elpis10: SCHEDULE HEIGHT 140 million euros FOR YOUNG FARMERS ...

Τετάρτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013


In the Government Gazette ( GG 3255/V/20.12.2013 ) published a notice on the program for new farmers , € 140 million , which is expected ...
join over 8,000 people who want to take care farms .
The aim of the program , according to the Ministry of Rural Development , is the revitalization of the rural population by installing new under 40 years , by providing incentives to facilitate the initial establishment and the structural adjustment of their holdings with the submission of a business plan .
criteria for funding
Those wishing to join will receive 70 % of the amount of funding approved as a deposit. Note that the amount of funding varies based on the following criteria.
1 Region of residence Mountain 7500
handicapping 5000
Other Areas 2500
2 Orientation of the holding to the future state Forage 7,500
Crop 7500
Mixed- Beekeeping 5000
Level 3 farm income in future state> 120% Income Report 5000
80 % - 120 % of the Reference Income 2,500
Height aid may be granted : Max 20,000 - 10,000 Minimum
Specifically, the breakdown by region for the provision of financial assistance will be as follows :
A / A Region / Budget Public Expenditure in euro

Eastern Macedonia & Thrace 12,600,000
Central Macedonia 32400000
Western Macedonia 6,300,000
Thessaly 13,600,000
Epirus 5,100,000
1,400,000 Ionian Islands
Western Greece 15,500,000
Central Greece 5,900,000
Peloponnese 14,700,000
Attica 700,000
Northern Aegean 7,400,000
South Aegean 1,600,000
Crete 22.800.000

TOTAL 140,000,000
Right to apply for aid are natural persons resident in the Greek territory , registered in the Integrated Administration and Control System ( IACS ) , which settled for the first time as head of agricultural holdings during the 14 months preceding the date of submission aid application provided on their face at the date of submission of the aid application met all the following conditions:
a) have completed 18 years of age , have full legal capacity in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and solvency and have not completed 40 years of age.
b ) is resident in the area of application of the measure .
More specifically, the candidate should be resident area:

Mountainous or disadvantaged Municipal or Local Community and Housing .
Municipal or Local Community normal range with actual population to 100,000 residents .

c ) The agricultural exploitation has minimum size requirements to work one-half ( 0.5 ) MWU ( 1 Reg = 1,750 hours worked per year ) and meets the other requirements of Chapter I.G2 .
d ) have sufficient professional capacity or undertake to acquire within 36 months from the date of the individual authorization decision .
e) submit a business plan with a maximum duration of five years with binding targets and timelines for the development of agricultural activities , and the structural adjustment of their holdings , but also for the acquisition or completion of adequate professional capacity , if needed .
f ) undertake contractual obligations decennial long .
g) Do not fall into the categories of ineligible candidates (Cap. I.G3 ) .
The first term of reference for the establishment of the candidate as chief farm in order to receive aid Metre fulfilled if the interval between the date of first installation on the farm and the decision of approval not exceeding eighteen (18 ) months .
Please note that the application period will start on 03/18/2014 and is expected to last until 16/05/2014 .
Details of the terms and conditions of membership candidate young farmers in this measure , stakeholders and the evaluation and approval of beneficiaries have been posted on the websites of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and www.minagric.gr www.agrotikianaptixi. gr.

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